Monday 8 March 2010


Psychaitrists are now accepting that there is a link between schizophrenia and shamanism but can they really understand what it is?
Before cities everyboby lived in tribes of between fifty to a hundred people, working together, living together, hunting and fighting other tribes together, tuned into each other and nature. Each tribe would have a shaman or a a spiritual person born who would interact with the spiritual world for that tribe. Each shaman of every tribe was connected to the spirit world which would balance the world through the shamans who would pass on the directives of the messages to their tribes and be respected.
Come to cities now and the shaman is effectively shut down. A shaman born in the city is not raised naturally and the people around him do not behave naturally so when he/she 'tunes in' the reading is unnatural and warped. Also not knowing what is going on, not trained as they would have been done by the elder shaman of the tribe, they interpret the also unbalanced messages from the spirit world which isn't being connected to properly and mostly get it all wrong. Hence the schizophrenic is a shaman gone wrong.
A lot of schizophrenics believe themselves to be thee second coming of Jesus or somebody spiritually important. In a tribe, the shaman was responsible for the only world he knew, his tribe but in modern society we are connected to the whole world so a modern schizophrenic sees it as his job to look after the whole world and the only reference to that kind of person in a spiritual sense is Jesus Christ so there lies the misconception.
When the roman army with christianity shut down the natural spirituality of the people they conquered where the practitioners would directly link with the spirit world, they did so to civilize the world which could only be done by stopping poeple from behaving too naturally. Fighting and hunting and orgies which were accepted in tribes were classed as evil to stop people from behaving in that way. Most primitive spiritualities held to mother nature, represented by the goddess and her male counterpart Pan who was honoured for his wild nature, for the hunt and tuning in to nature, but the romans needed to control people and demonised both the goddess and Pan, saying Eve was evil and Pan, the horned goat man was the devil. Again, their reasoning was to steer people away from thier wild natural behaviour so as better to control them.
Dragons, were also held as powerful and wise throughout the pre roman conquer but the romans demonised them too to control people. Now, the western world has advanced because of civilization and remembering that romans had different spiritual beliefs but because christianity took off and spread like wild fire they had to adopt it as thier main religon to keep control. they did adopt it but controlled the message to suit their domination, holding true enough where necessary but making sure the message suited their needs.
Many christian symbols were adopted from earlier spiritualities to keep the people quiet, just altered to suit their story. Mary and child, was a very old symbol, in pictures because there was no writing, of the symbol of motherhood or the goddess. A mother was represented by being pictured with a baby. The tree of knowledge was taken from earlier spiritualities then incorperated into a story of Eve being evil. The male god's rebirth every year was turned into Chirst's ressurection, but we still have Easter eggs because spring is about rebirth: eggs have nothing to do with Christ...
My experience with the spirit world and others that I have talked to who have the schizophrenic experience tells of a spirit world yes, and of other dimensions. We have come to these conclusions seperately from each other. I was also recently told that shamans were predominantly women so that would account for the shut down of so called witches, those in tune with nature and the spiritual world. The Roman church wanted a monopoly on the spiritual world and didn't want anyone else connecting to it. Even now, palm reading, meddiums and even horoscopes are outlawed by the church.
The modern day shaman has a lot of work to do and is out of his/her natural environment so must adjust. The spirit world and other dimensions are connected to this world. Humans can affect the spirit world as the spirit world can affect the real world and depending on how it's done...
Monetory power holds no sway in the spirit world. It is a strong, clean and pure, also intelligent heart soul and mind.
There is a kind of spiritual chess game going on and as pieces on the board we play against novices and skilled players with the spiritual world having an over view.
Coincidences cannot be forced, signs and codes are there to be interpreted.
Ley lines are Dragon ley lines. Dragons interract with the elements and nature, the spirit world, when you enter it, you discover that it works on natural law, power and wisdom and purity hold the highest position. Human beings through our subconscious are connected to mother nature. Those most in tune can work out the relevence of what I have said.
If you try to control nature too much it comes out funny.
If you ignore the spirit world, like a child, or an animal, it will seek attention, even if bad.
The spirit world feeds off energies, our emotions. If our emotions aren't natural enough the spirit world becomes unbalanced.
And if you connect with what I am saying know this: the Dragons have the overview being connected with nature. Disrupting their position causes grave inbalance. A lower order of being, spiritual or otherwise would not be fully aware of the consequences but the dragons are.
We need true and effective players.
If you know the signs and codes and are asked to play, play well, much depends on your ability to recognise the reality of the situation.
And how much do I give my hand away to show others how to play?
There are novices and skilled players, disguises are also used.
This is a game, I reiterate... in chess it's about position; a pawn can bring down a king if properly placed and backed up.
Mother Earth does not takes sides, just balances the board and how you play will determine who and what will support your endeavour.
I have been diagnosed as having schizoaffective disorder. That means my brain works better and faster and I 'tune in' and read people and surroundings but, for me, when this happens for too long I crash and burn: I do things I can't remember so now I just take the medication when I feel the manic sensation coming on.
I have learned a lot from my previous experience then went on to research in the areas that had been pointed out to me. I have to keep my feet on the ground but loved my time being tuned in. It felt natural and right but I have to balance. I still get signs and codes still come to me so I am still 'in the game'.
You may not be given all of the pieces of the puzzle, or all elements of the state of play, you may have an understanding of the reason why. With all the will in the world you might want to do your best for the world but dedication is not enough. You are called to play well.
Those in the know know the codes...
This really is a game and if you want to do well realise that there are skilled players who won't necessarily make themselves known to you but may recognise you as a potential player.
Remember nature... instead of trees we have billboards... riddles are to advance the worthy and confuse and protect the innocent.
Depending on the response I get to this blog I will be able to see more the state of play. This is not a help site for the weak. If you can play, make yourself useful.

The Spiritual Game

wereworld: the werebeast

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